I’m back after a long hiatus in the blogging world. Well, I seriously don’t know when I will blog the next time? Maybe next month? Or even next year. Like no one will care anyway HAHA. So basically, last week of the first week of school and ya it was a dreadful week.


Cause’ your truly here is still basking in the holiday mood and refuse to get out of her little own world. But it sure sucks a ton when one suddenly realize that ‘Hey, wake up man! The holidays are officially over!’. And there you go, having reality smacking right straight at your face. Helloooo world! I must admit though, I am a sluggard, so this isn’t something new to me. It happens all the time especially after a long semester’s break. How nice… It’s actually a wake up call, telling me to pull up my socks after I dropped one point in my cumulative GPA last year. And hell yea, I am going to achieve back my desired GPA, go to the local university with my grades, saying bye-bye to my current course, be like one year behind my batch (which seriously I don’t give a damn) and finally enter my ideal course- a degree in Theatre Studies. So screw Civil Engineering for the time being. I’m starting to realize that I contradict myself in the previous posts argh.

Anyway, I have pierced my cartilage. Dad’s cringing at the sight of my ears. Tsk, bad sign. But ahh, I somehow and somewhat managed to convince him to let me keep it. Tragus piercing keeps popping up in my mind… DAMMIT STOP! My first piercing was at the age of 17.. that is like uh, last year. And the reason why I didn’t want to pierce my ears before even though I really longed to wear earrings was simply cause’ I was scared and being a coward. I used to think that my threshold for pain is damn low and even the smallest thing like taking an injection irks me out. Somehow, I managed to muster enough courage and pierced my ears on a day out with my parents. It’s kind of an impromptu act now that I thought of. This was the beginning of my love for piercings. Within a year, I had my third and fourth piercings. Maybe my piercings have to end due to my Dad’s disapproval and his never-ending admonitions.

Nobody like mood swings do they? Neither do I. But I must say, having mood swings at the inappropriate time can really sucks big time. I apologized to whoever that came in contact with my mood swings during the last few days. Mood swings is like so over… gone like the wind HAHA.

Gee, it’s 12.30am and I have school at 8am tomorrow.